
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Socorro” ,找到相关结果约1022条。
Rese a de "La construcción social del poder local. Actores sociales y posibilidades de generación de opciones de futuro" de Rolando Sánchez Serrano
Socorro Arzaluz
Frontera norte , 2006,
Globalization: Current Constraints and Promising Perspectives
Herrera, Socorro
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction , 2012,
Abstract: Recent statistics indicate that more than 200 million people worldwide live in a country other than the one in which they were born, with more than a third having moved from an underdeveloped to a developed country and at least another third having moved from one developed nation to another. Although the United States is the world leader as a host country, Europe’s migrant population in 2005 exceeded that of North America by almost 50 percent and Western Asia’s share of the world’s migrants now exceeds 25 million (United Nations, 2011). Most pronounced is an unprecedented migration of persons to the developing world that is both a cause and a consequence of globalization.
Classical solutions from quantum regime for barotropic FRW model
J. Socorro
Physics , 2003,
Abstract: The quantization of gravity coupled to barotropic perfect fluid as matter field and cosmological constant is made and the wave function can be determined for any $\kappa$ in the FRW minisuperspace model. The meaning of the existence of the classical solution is discussed in the WKB semiclassical approximation
Supersymmetric quantum solution for FRW cosmological model with matter
J. Socorro
Physics , 2001,
Abstract: Using technique of supersymmetric quantum mechanics we present new cosmological quantum solution, in the regime for FRW cosmological model using a barotropic perfect fluid as matter field.
Psychological Nutrition  [PDF]
Adelma do Socorro Gon?alves Pimentel
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2016.78110
Abstract: This essay renders concepts of psychological nutrition such as the concepts of emotional and social nourishments that guide the psychosocial integration of the human being in the world, and the concept of emotional hunger. The categories are based on some proposals from the Gestalt-therapy: dental and mental metabolisms; on assumptions from the Gestalt psychology about psychological and organic isomorphism and on the concept of theory of complexity.
Turismo versus pesca artesanal. A propósito de La Reserva Marina de la Isla de La Graciosa y los Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote
Cabrera Socorro, Gloria,Cabrera Socorro, Alfredo
PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural , 2004,
Abstract: The Marine Reserve of La Graciosa Island and the islets of the North of Lanzarote was created in 1995 and, since then, the fishing activities of the local population and their local culture of the sea have been decreasing progressively while tourist activities are emerging as the panacea in a little island as La Graciosa with no more than 600 inhabitants. In this paper we try to analyse how these two processes are linked and what role is playing the local marine protected area in this case. We use not only qualitative information from fishers and their domestic units, but also quantitative data contrasting some objective parameters as the number of fishers and active fishing boats or service related business (restaurants, apartments, etc.), before and after the implementation of the marine reserve. In this sense, an important element is the perception of this institution from the local population, and the evolution of their attitude in favour or against it. These processes are related to the institutional design of the marine reserves in the Canary Island, where the participation of local fishing populations is severely limited
Levantamento floristico do Parque Estadual das Dunas do Natal
Freire, Maria Socorro Borges;
Acta Botanica Brasilica , 1990, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-33061990000300006
Abstract: the natal dunes state park was created on november 22, 1977 by decree no 7237. as a result of the building of a coastal road, bordering the long dunes which abound with native vegetation and valuable aquiferous reserves for the city of natal. through the board of planning of the state of rio grande do norte, the park of dunes project was developed which aimed at carrying out an eco-zoo-botanical survey of the area, with the objective of studying the ecosystem of the dunes. throughout the period from august 1980 to july 1982 we travelled all over its 1.172 ha and realised that the vegetation of the area contains some elements of the atlantic forest, but with an admixture of some species of the caatinga and of the coastal tableland 359 plants were collected, out of which, 264 different species could be recognised, identified at the specimen and genus level by the botanist of the national museum in conjunction with specialist of the botanical garden of rio de janeiro. the research identified 78 families with a greater domination of leguminosae, myrtaceae, gramineae (poaceae); compositae; euphorbiaceae; convolvulaceae and rubiaceae. among the arboreous species of importance in the area, we should name the brazilwood - caesalpinea echinata lam. sucupira - bowdichia virgilioide hbk; magaranduba-manilkara aff. amazonica hub; e o kiri - brosimum guianense (aublet.) hub.
Análisis Político , 2006,
Abstract: uribe's government (2002-2006) it has reiterated the priority that grants to two objectives of their foreign policy, in particular toward the neighboring countries: to look for support for the safe-deposit strategy and to achieve an active international insert. although both constitute imperatives national derivates of the own internal situation and of the changing international context, they are crossed for the biases characteristic of the options of the leader and for the situation of the neighboring countries.
Colombia - Brasil: Distante Vecindad Se Fortalece En La Seguridad Y El Comercio
Análisis Político , 2006,
Abstract: colombia shares with brazil the one that constitutes its second frontier in extension, but, contrary to the most extensive that separates it and it communicates with venezuela, to that boundary he/she has not been granted in the country the relevance that deserves, in spite of being located in such a strategic region as the amazonia, nevertheless its neighbor's enormous geopolitical and economic weight and although some areas of that frontier have been and they continue being articulate, in an or another way, to international and global flows. yesterday histories and of today they have impacted so that the two political centers, brasilia and bogotá, behave as distant, unknown and fearful neighbors, and that only in the last years they come closer mutually, urged by the safe-deposit problems and motivated by the global commercial or geopolitical interest.
Gêneros textuais e letramento
Oliveira, Maria do Socorro;
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1984-63982010000200003
Abstract: our contribution to this panel intends to discuss how 'literacy' and 'genres' are related, taking into account the complexity involving not only these two theoretical concepts, but also their implementation in the pedagogical domain, especially related to mother tongue learning-teaching. we intend to discuss that based on our experience in teaching, research and extension developed at teacher education programs aiming at transdisciplinary practices of colaborative and strengthening nature. to accomplish this task, we suggest literacy projects as an alternative to develop a contextualized work with genres.

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